Part 133: Brand New Days
While this setup here is pretty much the epitome of a swerve "and it was all a dream!", mercifully that's not the case here.

I mean, c'mon, we just beat Erebus not Morpheus.

When... did we fall asleep...?

Huh? What? ...Wait, is this!?

Arf arf!

Weren't we...

Weren't we gathered around the entrance, talking about some kinda key...?

The outside world is back to normal. We can leave anytime.

So... The Abyss of Time has disappered.

The date... it's April 1st!

Soooo... that means we're saved, right!?

Woooooo-hoooo! 'Bout damn time!

C'mon, Aigis.

Wait a second...

And while we were there, Aigis-san...

H-Hey, Aigis! How long are you gonna lie there!? Wake up!



It's too early to reach any conclusions.

How's it look, Fuuka?

Don't worry. I've used this system a number of times before...

The equipment should be set up already, so...

*sigh* If only it wasn't so late at night...

Well, I've almost got the bio-scan unit online...
Odd minor thing, but the script I'm using says this line is said by Akihiko with Mitsuru doing the voice acting. The game I'm using says its all Mitsuru.

Yes! Her vital signs are up on screen! Let's see...

No... This is awful...

Did you find something?

Her synaptic circuits... they're completely burned out...

It's probably related to her new ability to use multiple Personas...

Burned out...? But... they can fix her, right?

It's easy to replace the faulty parts, but...




Um... Has something happened?

Geez! You had us worried sick, sleepyhead!

You took so long to wake up, we thought you might have died...

But how could this be...?
It's a little obvious, but having accepted the humanity that she threw away and fully embraced it pretty much made Pinocchio Aigis into a real girl. It's a bit of an over-simplification, but that's basically what it boils down to.

Oh, I'm so sorry to have worried you all.

Memories of time I spent with everyone... and...

Oh, it's nothing.

Sorrowful partings only show us the weight of our relationships...

But the joy of living comes from those who care about you.

I'm... a very lucky person.


We were so close to each other... We suffered over the same things...

I guess we're more like each other than we thought.

Whewwww... Well, looks like it all came out okay!

Man... I was pretty freaked out there for a while, but I think we've got out happy ending.

Yeah, looks that way. *sigh* ...I'm bushed.

Oh... Junpei-kun!

Very well... Let's go back to our rooms and rest until morning.

If there's anything left to do--


Actually... there is one thing I'd like to announce.

Our ordeal has given me a lot of food for thought.

My own way of running away may have been to try and collect these and put them away... forever.

But even if there are no Shadows left, the battle against ourselves is ongoing.

Until the day when everyone can change...

Brand New Days
covers the rest of the update so its better to just watch this if you can

Let's see... I already shipped my large luggage... Did I forget anything...?

That was my contact. The car they sent for us will arrive shortly.

What, are you taking everyone else along for the ride, too?

Their new dorms are on the way to the lab. It'll be a quick stop.

Where on earth is Junpei...? I told him not to be late--



Ah, let him be. He's probably trying to carry everything at once...

The same thing happened last year.

Oh... But... That sounded like it really hurt...

Owww... My face... I hope no one saw that.

*chuckle* Are you all right? Geez... What a way to end this.
A car can be heard pulling up outside.

Ah... There's our ride.

Well then, shall we be off?

I... actually have a favor to ask...

What is it?

I know... it might not be possible because it's so sudden...

Before, I thought... there was nothing left for me to protect. No reason to live.

But now that I see otherwise...


I want to continue to experience new things with you all!

...Is it too late...?


Hmmm... Even if I wanted to place you back in, I'm no longer involved with Gekkoukan High...

Thank you.


...The transfer to the lab has been cancelled.

Then... Senpai...!

Now that's more like it!

Thank you so much!

It's an honor to be able to stay with you all!

Yes... But change is part of life.

Hey, Aigis... If you're gonna live in the dorms...

You wanna be my roommate?

It's a peculiar way to segue into the ending anime cutscene, but it's a nice way to bookend things in a way.

I mean you need one, right?

But hey, no need to be so formal.

We are friends, aren't we?

Yeah, you're right!
Brand New Days
hey its the kimi no kioku of the answer should probably give it a listen (spoilers: its good)
Much like with The Journey, we get to see snippets from the animated cutscenes interspaced with silhouettes of folks and their Ultimate Personae.

...Aigis still gets Athena though, which is technically correct even though she doesn't appear in The Answer past the fight against Metis. There's another reason for this, though.
Sunlight, the ray of morning that woke me up
Shines again (all over my sights) - on this world
While holding the collapsed promise all alone by myself,
I'm chasing over (it's over my blind) - the yesterday in eyelid
Stay high, I've forgotten
This clear blue sky
Surely given by you,
The shining true feeling
Someday, if the strength of our held hands are scarred
I won't let it go, dear friends,
We'll be like this, always
I wonder how many days strayed 'cause we looked up at the same moon?
Have you getting past (we've told you so long) the same goodbye?
I knew it; surely, the pain was inflicted by the jewel
As I count (you told me what's wrong) -- those lost lights
Stay high, if you notice it,
Hey, there's a dazzling blue sky on the window
Surely, tomorrow's door
still green, will open
Someday, if the passage of time changes everything
Then I won't lost it
It's "you"
I'll lead the Brand New Days
Sunlight, the ray of morning that woke me up
Then starts to shine (it's all up to you) - on this world
There are days when I was tired to call "the meaning of living", and then I was cowering
Even so, it's still in my heart (so look up to you) - your smile
Stay high, I've forgotten
This clear blue sky
Surely given by you,
The shining true feeling
Since I've been awake from the dream,
I will meet a new tomorrow
That certainly believes in
Your faith
Always, everytime
Stay high, if you notice it,
Hey, there's a dazzling blue sky on the window
Surely, tomorrow's door
Always green, opens
New days, where you can hear the spring's wind among the graduation
On the true days from today
Where I meet you, towards tomorrow
I'll lead the Brand New Days
The new miracle will start from here
At the shining place, right?
Once more, with you...
Thanks for reading. It's been a long journey, but we made it in the end.
But now, you must be tired. Please, rest easy. Until we meet again... farewell.